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The official Website for RWE And ETW
Frequently Asked Questions
Here is some of the most of the questions we get all the time see if your question is here!
Is your show really Real
Depends on what you mean by it. the term we use for real is we do real stunts and real promo real hate towards eachother and dont ACT at all! we do not portray any character or disrespecting your show by saying your show is fake not at all do we say this.
What Content is this? PG?
Again No we do not have PG Content all our stuff is Mature Content but we do allow PG-14.
Where is this located
we are not on the actual road just just yet so basically to answer that No where!
Do You get Paid
Fortunately,Yes we do MICROSOFT POINTS all my CAWS And wrestlers get paid from Xbox Live.
How Can i join?
By Contacting me on Youtube:BrandonLive360 or
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